At Vertical Vapor Online Magazine, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical business practices, which includes our stance against modern slavery and human trafficking. We recognize the importance of combating these egregious violations of human rights and are dedicated to ensuring that our operations and supply chains are free from any form of modern slavery.

Our Policy:

  1. Commitment: We unequivocally condemn modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labor, and any form of exploitation. We are committed to maintaining a work environment and business relationships that respect human rights, promote dignity, and adhere to all relevant laws and regulations.
  2. Compliance: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking in the jurisdictions in which we operate. This includes, but is not limited to, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom.
  3. Supply Chain Due Diligence: We recognize that our responsibility extends beyond our own operations and encompasses our supply chains. We undertake thorough due diligence to identify and assess any potential risks of modern slavery in our supply chain. We work closely with our suppliers to ensure they share our commitment to ethical practices and respect for human rights.
  4. Supplier Audits: We conduct regular audits of our suppliers to verify their compliance with our ethical standards. We evaluate their employment practices, worker welfare, and adherence to local labor laws. Any concerns or violations identified during these audits are addressed promptly and remedial actions are taken as necessary.
  5. Training and Awareness: We provide regular training and awareness programs to our employees and key stakeholders on the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking. By equipping them with the knowledge and tools to identify and report any concerns, we foster a culture of vigilance and accountability throughout our organization.
  6. Reporting and Whistleblowing: We encourage our employees, suppliers, and business partners to report any suspicions, concerns, or incidents related to modern slavery or human trafficking. We have established channels for confidential reporting and will investigate all reports promptly and take appropriate action.
  7. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuously improving our practices and procedures to prevent and address any risks of modern slavery. We regularly review and update our policies, standards, and processes to ensure they remain effective and aligned with best practices.
  8. Collaboration: We actively engage with relevant stakeholders, industry associations, and organizations working to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. By collaborating and sharing knowledge, we can collectively strive for a world free from these injustices.

Our Future Commitment:

We recognize that the fight against modern slavery requires ongoing vigilance and effort. We are dedicated to continuously evaluating and enhancing our approach to address modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chains. We will regularly review and update our Modern Slavery Statement to reflect our progress and commitments.

This Modern Slavery Statement is approved by the senior management of Vertical Vapor Online Magazine and is made in accordance with our commitment to transparency and accountability.

Date: [Insert Date]


[Name] [Position] Vertical Vapor Online Magazine

For any inquiries or further information regarding our Modern Slavery Statement, please contact us at [Insert Contact Information].